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Kim Wieneke is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Hello.  I’m Kim.  Kim Wieneke, living in Portland, Oregon.  I’ve got lung cancer and I’m not very happy about it.  It pretty much sucks. At age 34, I was diagnosed with Stage 3b lung cancer on May 11, 2011.  On … read more ❯

Kathi Roberts– Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Let’s start this week off on an upbeat note! And you can’t get more upbeat than our wonderful lung cancer survivor and Free to Breathe Charlotte committee member, Kathi Roberts. Let me begin by saying I have had a very … read more ❯

Kathleen Bradley is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

For years I felt anger and jealousy for people who are not dealing with Stage 4 cancer and raising 2 active, wonderful boys. I heard a nice statement the other day that described those feelings as "a normal demonstration of your will to live, just a negative expression".read more ❯

Kathleen Houlihan is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

In July of 1998 I developed a pain in my left shoulder blade, which I thought was from pruning an overhead tree branch. My doctor and I treated it as a pulled muscle, but several months later, when I started … read more ❯

Kathy Leiser is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Many people diagnosed with cancer ask “why me?” Kathy Leiser asks herself “what if?” What if she hadn’t moved from Texas to Nashville to be closer to her two grown sons in 2009? What if she hadn’t heard that public … read more ❯

Kathy Weber is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer survivor Kathy Weber raised more than $8,000 on behalf of the International Association for the Study of Lung more ❯

Katy Veysman is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

After looking at my scans, my oncologist recently reminded me: “every day is a gift.” Yikes, I thought. Don’t I know it! Treating every day like it’s a gift is the right way to live: swing from the fences, tell … read more ❯

Keisha Kirkland is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Phenomenal, brilliant, and driven are just a few words that characterize Dr. Keisha Kirkland. A woman of incredible poise and determination, Keisha Kirkland is the epitome of courage, strength, and the healing power of faith. Her radiant personality and warm spirit are evident in her smile and genuine love for more ❯

Kim Ringen is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Since my last post not much has changed on the diagnostic front. The large wedge resection did reveal enough testable cancer tissue, read more ❯

Kim Wieneke is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Hello. I’m Kim Wieneke, living in Portland, Oregon. I am 36, former athlete, and have stage 4 lung cancer. I learned about my condition in May of 2011. From that moment on, life has been drastically different. I’ve been though … read more ❯

Kimberly Buchmeier is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

Kimberly Buchmeier of Auburn, Neb., was diagnosed with non-small cell adenocarcinoma lung cancer in March 2011, at age more ❯

Kristen Carlton is Changing the Face of Lung Cancer

I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Lung Cancer in July 2013. I had no symptoms, but my tumor showed up on a CT done for kidney stones. On Aug 14, 2013, I had my tumor and left lower lobe removed. … read more ❯

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