I lost my Dad, Philip Lefebvre, to Small Cell Lung Cancer(SCLC) on 8/14/11. He was diagnosed 2/14/11. Loosing my Dad to this terrible disease has rocked me to the very core. I now spend my days devoted to bringing more awareness to Lung Cancer, trying to honor his memory.I was Dad’s sole caregiver. The chemo, the radiation, blood transfusions, surgeries, endless stays in the hospital. 800 mile drive home to say goodbye to his 85 yr. old Mom. We never gave up hope, even till the very end. Dad & I were a team, a cancer fighting, tear wiping, joke telling, turtle loving team. Now, now I’m a team of one, continuing to fight in his honor.on Dad’s 1st day of radiation as they wheeled him down the hall, he looked up at me and said “We’re off ….like a herd of turtles!” The turtle became our symbol of hope, strength & courage throughout this journey. It still does to this day. Whenever I need abit, I grab one of Dad’s turtles and give it a hug …then I continue on this journey!