Atlanta, GA. Our 6th annual Lung Cancer Survivors Super Bowl Challenge kicked off on November 1, 2019. The Challenge finishes at 3amEST on December 30th.
New Orleans Saints
New Orleans, LA. Baton Rouge lung cancer survivor-advocate Kevin Minor represented Team Draft at the Mercedes Benz SuperDome on Monday night.
Chris Draft speaks at the National Press Club
Chris Draft speaks at the National Press Club from TEAM DRAFT on Vimeo.
Down Under Changing the Face of Lung Cancer
Chris Draft lost his wife to lung cancer a month into their marriage, now the NFL star is down under to share his wife’s legacy and continue the fight against lung cancer.
Delta Airlines TechOps empolyee, cancer survivor honored with visit from former NFL player
By Kimberly Westwood, Delta Care Fund Delta’s Cancer Support Engagement Group (CSEN) recently honored Tech Ops employee and cancer survivor Joe Pitts with a get-together that included his wife, closet friends and former NFL linebacker Chris Draft. Pitts, who has …
Kathy Leiser: Lung Cancer
Many people diagnosed with cancer ask “why me?” Kathy Leiser asks herself “what if?” What if she hadn’t moved from Texas to Nashville to be closer to her two grown sons in 2009? What if she hadn’t heard that public …